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Collect and manage performance data now

Decide what you want to report on later

What is it?

FreePDB is a suite of tools to help create a Performance Database (PDB) using free software.

The idea behind FreePDB is provide a flexible way to collect performance and capacity data into a database. Why flexible? The idea is that there is a lot of easy to access data out there that if we collect it all together then one day it might be useful for something. Some of that data is collected by existing tools into text files of one sort or another. Other data can be collected at a point in time doing some sort of query.

The key issue for me is that at any point in time I don’t actually know what I want to know. If lots of potentially useful data was available in a general purpose database then I could invent queries or write data mining programs to find things out.


Mostly this suite of programs is used for two purposes at present. To manage various systems at home, and to assist me teaching students about the role of a capacity planner at work. Other things may interest me and get me working on other problems but in the end it is those two purposes that will always get my priority.

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